34st.com Editors' Blog

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Video Gamers Anonymous

Today I realized that I have an addiction. That's the first step. However, before I start to make the next eleven steps to freedom I have to stop and reflect on whether or not this is a bad addition or not. Anyone who knows me can plainly see that I have a problem, but for those of you who don't know me, I speak of my dangerous affliction of video game addiction.

I used to think that I was a noble character because I don't drink alcohol or do drugs. I was proud of my "anti-drug" of playing Mario and Sonic and even that amazing Blades of Steel game that I would play endlessly as a child. But now, I sit here and reflect on my time at college, I think about the hours and hours spent playing video games and how they could be the equivalent of binge drinking on bottles of Jim Beam. If video games were alcohol, I'd be a raging drunkard five out of seven nights a week. Let's look at some of the evidence.

Last year my cousin got me hooked on CounterStrike. The basic concept is that you play online with a bunch of people and try to shoot the crap out of each other with machine guns and sniper rifles. It was a lot of fun. I'd stay up until 7 am on a school night and just keep playing. I couldn't leave my computer. It was like morphine. Finally, I would stumble into bed and then proceed to miss my two morning classes from a video game "hangover".

It can be even worse when you build a whole fantasy world around your love for video games. I installed NHL2001 on my computer last semester to compensate for there not being a hockey season, and I proceeded to play an entire 82-game season over the course of a month. Video game hockey consumed my every free moment. I would ignore calls from friends, not go to dinner and miss my coveted afternoon naps all for the sake of NHL2001. The highlights of my day became the amazing virtual goals I scored or the comeback win to secure my spot in the playoffs.

However, video games can be a bonding experience when played in groups of actual people. Last month we were in a lounge playing the Nintendo 64 classic Super Smash Brothers when my friend paused it. It appeared as if the characters were in a position of a sexual nature and we all burst out in laughter. If you were there that night, you would have thought we were all drunk beyond comprehension. We then proceeded to laugh like hyenas as we rolled on the floor in hysterics and purposely set up the characters in pornographic positions. And of course we took pictures. Be warned, the pictures may disturb you. I woke up the next morning thinking "I don't know what the hell was that all about last night, but I had myself a good time."

I used to be ignorant of people and dismiss them as idiots when they went out drinking and partying. Now I realize that I am no different from them since I do the same thing but in a different fashion. We all have our vices, and mine just happens to be video games. I realize that it's an addiction, but until I get married, have kids and have to be an adult, I am going to keep shirking my French homework all in the name of having a good time.

Here's something fun I found on google. Rock, Rock on.

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Kung Fu Master.I am Kung Fu Master.

I like to be in control of myself. I dislike crowds, especially crowds containing people trying to kill me. Even though I always win, I prefer to avoid fights if possible. What Video Game Character Are You?
